Dart's Futures and Streams
September 26, 2020

Dart's Futures and Streams

Posted on September 26, 2020  (Last modified on March 30, 2023 )
9 minutes  • 1716 words
This project uses these versions of languages, frameworks, and libraries.
  • dart dart : 2.16.2
This tutorial may work with newer versions and possibly older versions, but has only been tested on the versions mentioned above.

Asynchronous programming in Dart is an absolute blast. Dart offers a couple of different options when writing asynchronous code: namely Futures and Streams . You can use both Futures and Streams to solve a lot of the same problems, but each serve their own purpose as well.

Futures are a type that models a computation who’s value may or may not be available. If you’re unfamiliar with Futures, you can think of getting a receipt at your favorite fast food restaurant as a Future. At some point, that receipt can be exchanged for a Hamburger (or whatever you order). However, the grill could also break and you may not receieve that Hamburger. You can think of a receipt as a Future<Hamburger>.

Futures are often used for particularly length computations such as HTTP requests or file IO. A lot of Dart packages (like HTTP ) will return futures from the methods that you call within those packages, however, you can even build your own Futures and work with those just like you would any other.

Futures can either succeed or fail (technically, both failure and success complete the future) and you can install a callback to handle each case. To register a callback for a successful future:

myFuture.then((value) => print(value));

To handle a failing future:

myFuture.catchError(err => print(err));

Most commonly, you’ll do both!

myFuture.then((value) => print(value))
  .catchError(err => print(err));

It’s worth noting that .then and .catchError both return the future, so you can chain any number of them.

Creating your own Future

Sometimes you’ll want to create a Future, even if the value is readily available. You can do that using Future.value() . This is common in scenarios where you might have cached data locally, but you also might have to make an HTTP request for the data.

For example:

import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'dart:convert';

void main() {

  List<String> cached = null;

  Future<List<String>> getData() {
    if (cached != null) {
      print("hit cache");
      return Future.value(cached);
    } else {
      return http.get("")
        .then((response) => jsonDecode(response.body).map((repo) => repo['name']).toList().cast<String>())
        .then((repos) {
          cached = repos;
          return repos;

  getData().then((body) {
  }).then((_) => getData())
  .then((body) {

Alternatively, you can accomplish a similar experience via Future.sync.

List<String> cached = null;

Future<List<String>> getData() {
  return Future.sync(() {
    if (cached != null) {
      return Future.value(cached);
    } else {
      return http.get("")
        .then((response) => jsonDecode(response.body).map((repo) => repo['name']).toList().cast<String>())
        .then((repos) {
          cached = repos;
          return repos;

Future.sync takes a function that returns either a future or a non-future value. If the value is not a future, it is wrapped in a future that is completed with that value. If the value is a future, that future takes place of the return value from Future.sync.


If you'd like to run a computation after a given value has passed, you can use Future.delayed. This method lets you specify a duration and a computation function, similar to future.sync, but it simply waits the provided duration before running the computation.

List<String> cached = null;

Future<List<String>> getData() {
  return Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5), () {
    if (cached != null) {
      return Future.value(cached);
    } else {
      return http.get("")
        .then((response) => jsonDecode(response.body).map((repo) => repo['name']).toList().cast<String>())
        .then((repos) {
          cached = repos;
          return repos;


Completers allow you to produce a future and complete them later with a given value or error state. Completers can be useful when you want to give the user a future, but they need to take more action (through your API) to be ready to consume the future. Additionally, completers can be used to provide a cleaner interface to callbacks. These are just a few examples of how you can use completers to enhance your dart code, but there are many more ways to use them, too!

class MyService {
  Completer _completer = new Completer();

  init() {
    _completer = new Completer();
      onSuccess: (data) {
      onError: (error) {
    return _completer;

  close() {

  isActive() => _completer.future;


If you'd like to return a future in an error state, you can simply use Future.error. You'll often do this in cases where the requested computation can not be fulfilled. There are other ways to propogate errors depending on how you're constructing your future. For example, Future.delayed can become an error when that delayed function returns a Future.error or if it throws.


Streams are similar to futures, except they’re used to model an asynchronous sequence of data. If Futures are a single piece of data that may or may not be available, Streams are sequence of data over time that may or may not be available. For example, Streams can be used to consume updates from sockets, where those updates are pushed to the frontend automatically. Another example would be listening to a stream built and controlled by your application and pushing data into that stream in response to user events. I use that particular pattern in View Models with Flutter quiet a bit.

Several dart packages return streams, and just like Futures you can create your own Streams. Probably one of the most common ways that you’ll end up working with streams is via the File API (provided you’re writing server-side Dart). Let’s write some code that opens a file and reads the bytes of that file via a Stream.

import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  final myFile = new File('example.txt');
  Stream<List<int>> inputStream = myFile.openRead();

  inputStream.listen((List<int> byteChunk) {

If you create a file called example.txt in the same directory (I added the text “this is an example m8”), you’ll find that you’ll print out something like [116, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 110, 32, 101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101, 32, 109, 56]. Woo. It works.

However, for most people, bytes aren’t exactly helpful. It’d probably be better to see the actual contents of the file. Streams have a <code>.transform</code> method that allows us to provide a transform function to the stream. In this case, we’ll transform those bytes into UTF-8 characters.

import "dart:io"
import "dart:convert"

void main() {
  final myFile = new File('example.txt');
  Stream<List<int>> inputStream = myFile.openRead();

  .listen((String text) {

Take note that our .listen callback isn’t working with a List of ints anymore. Because the utf8decoder decodes a List<int> into a String, we have to adjust our listen function accordingly. Running this, we’ll now see output of whatever is contained within your example.txt file.

If you’d prefer to have more control over your transformations, Streams also support .map as a function. You can also do really neat things with skip(), where(), reduce(), and much more (Stream API docs here! ). Additionally, if you’re working with a Stream and only care about one emission, you can use the Stream’s .single property to receive a Future for that one emission.

Creating your own Stream

Creating your own Stream is actually quite similar to creating your own Future! The Stream class has several constructors available:

There are actually a couple more Stream constructors, but these are the ones that I’ve found myself using the most. You can find all of the constructors available in the Dart Stream API documentation .

Stream Examples

There are many cases where you may want to create a stream. One of my favorite examples is when you are providing multiple callbacks for lifecycle methods and feel that a stream of data can better represent state of data over time. Let's assume we have an object that takes in several callbacks that are triggered when the object's internal state changes. A great real life example of this would be callbacks to a Wallet Connect bridge in the web3 world.

/// this isn't super realistic, but should hopefully illustrate a good use case for streams
abstract class WalletConnectionDelegate {
  void onInit();
  void onNewSession();
  void onApprove();
  void onClose();

This gets particularly cumbersome when you have multiple delegates and several of those only care about certain events (like a delegate that's listening exclusively for close events to let the user know the session was terminated).

This could look something like this:

abstract class WalletConnectionDelegate {
  void onInit();
  void onNewSession();
  void onApprove();
  void onClose();

class MyWalletConnectDelegate extends WalletConnectionDelegate {
  onInit() => handleOnInit(),
  onClose() => handleOnClose(),
  onNewSession(session) => handleOnNewSession(session),
  onApprove(tx) => handleOnApprove(tx),

... /// in another file

class MyWalletConnectDelegate extends WalletConnectionDelegate(
  onInit() => null,
  onClose() => showSessionTerminated(),
  onNewSession(session) => null,
  onApprove(tx) => null

This example highlights another problem! What if our delegate requires all of these callbacks but our view only cares about one of them? This is a great usecase for streams! We can create a stream of events and let our views subscribe to that stream and only listen for the events they care about. In Dart, this also requires us to model our stream states, so we'll do that via classes.

abstract class WalletConnectionDelegate {
  void onInit();
  void onNewSession();
  void onApprove();
  void onClose();

class InitEvent {}

class CloseEvent {}

class NewSessionEvent {
  final dynamic session; // dont make this dynamic in production code though!

class NewTransactionEvent {
  final dynamic transaction; // dont make this dynamic in production code though!

class StreamWCDelegate extends WalletConnectDelegate {

  final controller = StreamController.broadcast();

  Stream get stream =>;
  onInit() => controller.add(InitEvent());
  onClose() => controller.add(CloseEvent());
  onNewSession(session) => controller.add(NewSessionEvent(session));
  onApprove(tx) => controller.add(NewTransactionEvent(tx));

Now we can simply provide create a singleton of the stream delegate and then provide that in place of the callback delegate. Then, we can simply listen to the stream for our examples:

final delegate = StreamWCDelegate();

// hand this off so whatever API can call the methods on it
establishDelegate(delegate); {
  if (e is InitEvent) {
  } else if (e is CloseEvent) {
  } else if (e is NewSessionEvent) {
  } else if (e is NewTransactionEvent) {

... /// in another file => e is OnClose).listen((e) => showSessionTerminated());
Cartoon headshot of Brad Cypert
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