Generating HTML from a List in Elm
Posted on June 27, 2019  (Last modified on December 27, 2022 )
3 minutes • 588 words
This project uses these versions of languages, frameworks, and libraries.
: 0.18
This tutorial may work with newer versions and possibly older versions, but has only been tested on the versions mentioned above.
Elm is a fantastic language for building web applications. It provides a rich DSL for writing HTML that functions in a similar way to JSX (but still quite different). Overall, I enjoy writing it, however, I often forget how to generate HTML from a list of data in Elm.
Indeed, the problem is not that difficult, and once you approach it from a functional mindset, it’s easy to see how it works. A simple, yet somewhat contrived example, can be found below:
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, div, text)
type alias Model =
{ rows : List String }
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ rows =
[ "Row #1"
, "Row #2"
, "Here's Row #3"
, "Here comes row #4"
, "Final Row"] }
rowItem: String -> Html Msg
rowItem id =
div []
[ text id ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
( rowItem model.rows)
You’ll notice a couple of things:
- Our Model is a structure that holds a list of strings in the property “rows”.
- Our view is light and focuses on our element generation.
It’s worth mentioning that the HTML package in Elm allows you to create HTML elements and it’s API is rather simple. You import whatever element you’d like to create and then follow the pattern of elementType [metadata] [children]
. In the example above, we’re writing
div [] ( rowItem model.rows)
This looks different than the pattern just mentioned, however, if you consider that the result of our
call returns a list of HTML elements and the pattern’s 3rd argument is a list of children (also HTML elements), then this should work fine!
So how does the
bit work?
takes in a list of data and “maps” the items (that is, applies a function to each item in the list) to create a new list. If we look at the documentation for
<a href=""></a>
we can see that it takes in a function that describes the transformation of type a
to type b
((a -> b)
) as well as a List of type a
and returns a list of the type b
Reiterating from above, the third argument in our HTML element pattern is a list of children, so it stands to reason that if we convert our list of strings to a list of HTML elements, we can use that in place of the third argument. And we’ve just shown how
can convert a list of a
(or string
) into a list of b
or (Html msg
). So the only part that we have to worry about is our function that defines the a -> b
transformation, or in our case String -> Html msg
We simply define a function like so:
rowItem: String -> Html Msg
rowItem id =
div []
[ text id ]
From the function’s definition, you can see the String -> Html Msg
transformation that I’ve mentioned above. Now, we plug this into our
call like so ( rowItem model.rows)
. Lastly, we can plug that into our root element in the view: div [] ( rowItem model.rows)
. And that’s how you generate HTML from a list of items in Elm!
If you’d like to learn more about Elm, you find more posts of mine on Elm here !
PS: Elm has an awesome online Editor called Ellie. If you want, follow this link to load the above example into Ellie and you can play with the code and follow along!