The Facade Pattern for Simple Dependency Injection
Posted on January 16, 2019  (Last modified on December 27, 2022 )
4 minutes • 730 words
This project uses these versions of languages, frameworks, and libraries.
: 1.2.60
This tutorial may work with newer versions and possibly older versions, but has only been tested on the versions mentioned above.
I’ve been working on a Ktor api for a while now and found myself needing to make sure my routes had access to my repositories. Naturally, I sought out the advice of anyone who’s implemented Dagger with Ktor. After digging for a bit, I realized that it was completely unnecessary and likely overkill. Dagger works great on Android because you are tied to the constraints of the platform and lifecycles, but with Ktor I have control of the entire scope of my application.
So I considered trying Koin . I hadn’t used it yet but have heard people recommending it over Dagger for Android. With a sterling recommendation like that I figured it has to be good. And it probably is, but yet again, it felt like overkill. I just need to get access to my repositories in my routes.
I found myself creating a solution that felt weird at the time. I sat down and said “I’m just going to write my repos and I’ll figure this out later.” And I did just that. I ended up with 6 different repositories at the time, which isn’t a lot, but it is’t a negligible amount either. So, how do I get these into my routes?
If you read my previous post on “Controllers in Ktor” , you’re aware that I’m using extension functions to separate my routes into pseudo-controllers. Thankfully, extension functions are just that and I can pass in my repositories to those functions. Unfortunately, now I have to manage which routes need which repositories and maintain that going forward. If only there was a way to encapsulate the implementation of all these dependencies into a module with a simple interface like a Dagger Module. Wait… Dagger aside, isn’t that just a facade?
The Facade
We’ll keep the implementation light, as I dont really want to ask you to read through hundreds of lines of code. Assume we have some repositories named TicketRepo
, UserRepo
, OrgRepo
, TaskRepo
, andLabelRepo
. Assume that each of these support standard CRUD operations, too.
We can write an interface for a facade of repositories like so:
interface DataManager {
fun getTicket(id: Int): Ticket
fun getTickets(orgId: Int): List<Ticket>
fun createTicket(ticket: Ticket): Int
fun updateTicket(ticket: Ticket): Unit
fun deleteTicket(ticket: Ticket): Unit
fun getUser(id: Int): User
... // and so on,
//I wont write all of these out here, but hopefully you get the idea.
Then, of course, you have to implement that interface somewhere.
class Database(private val TicketRepo,
private val UserRepo,
private val OrgRepo,
private val TaskRepo,
private val LabelRepo): DataManager {
fun getTicket(id: Int): Ticket {
return TicketRepo.getTicket(id)
// and so on. Implement all the required members of DataManager
Passing The DataManager
Now that we’ve encapsulated all of our database-related functionality, we can simply pass the Database instance around to our extension functions in our routes. We can now structure our Ktor application like this:
fun Application.module(testing: Boolean = false) {
// initialize each of the repos here...
val ticketRepo = TicketRepo()
val userRepo = UserRepo()
val orgRepo = OrgRepo()
val taskRepo = TaskRepo()
val labelRepo = LabelRepo()
val database = Database(ticketRepo, userRepo, orgRepo, taskRepo, labelRepo)
routing {
get("/") {
call.respondText("Hello World", contentType = ContentType.Text.Plain)
Updating our Route Extensions
Finally, we have our dependencies satisfied for our routes. We can now update our route extension functions to act like so:
fun Route.ticketRoutes(database: DataManager) {
route("/tickets") {
get("") {
database.getTickets().let {
// ideally serialize as JSON, but maybe another post.
get("/{id}") {
// this is sloppy but simple, try to avoid the `!!`
database.getTicket(call.params["id"].toInt()!!).let {
post("/") {
// posts are more complicated, but the same idea remains.
delete("/{id}") {
Pardon the non-glamorous routes, but I wanted to focus on using the Facade as a dependency injection strategy. This pattern works really well for simple dependency trees, however, if the tree gets more complicated it might not be a bad idea to invest in Dagger or Koin (or some other alternative). A fantastic thing about Ktor however, is that you certainly have a choice in how to furnish any dependencies that your classes may have.
If you’d like to read more about my experiences with Ktor, you can do so here ! Additionally, I’ve started accumulating a ton of Kotlin posts that I’d recommend checking out!